Cut the tofu into bite-sized pieces and set aside. Mince garlic and shallots.
Cut the tomatoes into wedges. Saute them with minced garlic and olive oil for 1 - 2 minutes.
Make cashew curry oil by frying curry seeds in cashew oil for 3 - 4 minutes. When the mixture cools down, remove the solids and keep the oil.
Mix the minced crab with warm water. Remove the solids with a strainer and keep the liquid.
Pour the minced crab liquid into a stock pot and bring it to a boil. With a strainer, skim off the crab meat that floats to the surface and set aside.
Mix pork paste, minced pork, crab meat, and seasoning. Whisk the eggs and set some aside, then blend the rest with the crab mixture and stir well.
Steam the mixture for 30 minutes. Brush the surface with the remaining eggs.
Fill the stock pot with water and bring it to a boil. Add the pork bones and cook on medium heat for 45 minutes. Skim off the foam regularly.
Remove the pork bones from the pot before pouring the crab broth, stir-fried tomatoes, tofu, shrimp paste, cashew curry oil, scallion, and seasoning to taste. Parboil fresh rice noodles in hot water for 1 - 2 minutes.
Make the sauce by diluting dried tamarind in warm water, then mix it with shrimp paste and some sugar (optional).
Cut cinnamon pork pate, pork leg, and crab cake into bite-sized slices.
Arrange them along with the sauce, other side dishes, and toppings.
Serve and enjoy!