Chicken Souvlaki Recipe

Lastest Updated June 27, 2024
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The chicken souvlaki is not only a nutritious and delicious meal, but it is also a cultural experience of Greek gastronomy. Just close your eyes, give a bite, and let yourself be transported to the sunny shores of Greece.

Are you finding it challenging to recreate that zesty, grilled goodness at home? This article is here to whisk those worries away. Not only will I equip you with a foolproof method to make perfect chicken souvlaki, but I’ll also provide handy tricks and the ideal companions for this Greek classic.

So, ready to cook up a storm and experience Greek cuisine at its finest? Let’s get started!

Chicken Souvlaki Explained

Chicken souvlaki is a traditional dish from Greece, made with grilled marinated chicken, pita bread, and fresh vegetables, served with a refreshing tzatziki sauce.

“Souvlaki” comes from the Greek word “souvla” which means skewer, which is exactly how the chicken is prepared. After marinated in a mixture of herbs and olive oil, it is skewered and grilled and then served on a fluffy pita bread with vegetables and tzatziki sauce.

You can enjoy the chicken souvlaki as the only dish, or you can add a side salad to it, or even some roasted potatoes and grilled vegetables. All the deliciousness of Mediterranean cuisine in one dish.

This is also a very versatile dish; aside from the traditional meat souvlaki, you have various other options, with grilled vegetables, halloumi cheese, or even tofu. And although it is considered street food, you can find more refined versions in many restaurants.

Tools to Cook Chicken Souvlaki

Gather these essential tools for making chicken souvlaki:

Chicken Souvlaki Tools
  • Skewers: Pick your preference between metal or wooden, perfect for grilling that juicy chicken to perfection.
  • Cutting board and knife: A dynamic duo in any kitchen, essential for all your slicing and dicing needs.
  • Frying pan: The arena for frying your pita bread, crisping it to golden perfection.
  • Large bowl: Your marinating haven where the chicken gets its flavorful bath.
  • Small bowl: The perfect cradle for your creamy, tangy tzatziki sauce.
  • Spatula: To mix the dough.
  • Basting brush: Your secret weapon for slathering your pita bread with rich olive oil and a medley of seasonings.
  • Kitchen towel: A cozy cover for your rising bread dough, ensuring it remains warm and undisturbed.

Chicken Souvlaki: Ingredient Breakdown

Here are all the ingredients you’ll need for chicken souvlaki:

Chicken Souvlaki Ingredients
  • Chicken breast: The main protein of the dish, juicy and tender.
  • Olive oil: A staple in Mediterranean cuisine, used for dressing salads, cooking, and marinating.
  • Garlic clove and garlic powder: Garlic will flavor both the marinate and the tzatziki sauce.
  • Active dry yeast: This is what will make your bread dough rise and give it those nice bubbles.
  • White flour: Used to make fluffy pita bread.
  • Greek yogurt: Thick and creamy, the Greek yogurt will make a perfect sauce for the Chicken Souvlaki.
  • Fresh vegetables: Tomatoes, cucumber, and lettuce. Mediterranean cuisine is known for using an abundance of fresh vegetables.
  • Red onion: With a vibrant color, this type of onion will give a slightly sweeter taste to the dish, than the regular onions.
  • Seasonings: Paprika, salt, cumin powder, garlic powder, and oregano will give all those delicious flavors to your chicken.
  • Spring onions: Adding to the Tzatziki sauce.

Making Perfect Chicken Souvlaki: Step-by-Step

Follow these 7 main steps to create delicious chicken souvlaki:

Step 1: Marinate the Chicken

Get your chicken party ready with a marinade! Mix in a large bowl:

  • 1 tbsp of olive oil
  • 1 tsp of paprika
  • 1 tsp of salt
  • 1 tsp of cumin powder
  • 1 tsp of oregano
  • 1 tbsp of Greek yogurt

Add cubed chicken to this mix. Mix well, cover with plastic, and reserve in the fridge for an hour.

Chicken Souvlaki Step 1 Marinate the Chicken

Step 2: Prepare the Pita Bread Dough

In a small bowl, dissolve the yeast in a cup of warm water. Let it sit for about 5 minutes.

In another bowl, mix:

  • 2 cups of all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp salt

Now, it’s time for magic – add the yeast to the flour mix. Once you see that the dough doesn’t stick to the bowl, shape it into a bowl and add a little bit of olive oil on top. Cover it with a towel, and give it an hour to rise and shine.

Chicken Souvlaki Step 2 Prepare the Pita Bread Dough

Step 3: Make the Pita Bread

Once the dough has doubled in size, pour it into a board covered with flour and divide it into 4 equal slices (one cut horizontally and one cut vertically).

Cover it for another 5 minutes, and then gently flatten each ball into a pita bread shape. Finally, brush each pita with a dash of olive oil, oregano, and garlic.

Chicken Souvlaki Step 3 Make the Pita Bread

Step 4: Grill the Chicken

Grill or bake the marinated chicken – whatever floats your boat! Put about 6 pieces of chicken in each skewer, and cook it for about 4-5 minutes on each side.

Chicken Souvlaki Step 4 Grill the Chicken

Step 5: Fry the Pita Bread

While your chicken is working up a golden tan, grab a pan, add a drizzle of olive oil, and fry each pita bread for about a minute on each side.

Chicken Souvlaki Step 5 Fry the Pita Bread

Step 6: Whip Up the Tzatziki Sauce

Pour Greek yogurt into a bowl, and add minced cucumber, spring onions, garlic, and a pinch of salt. Stir until well combined.

Chicken Souvlaki Step 6 Whip Up the Tzatziki Sauce

Step 7: The Grand Assembly

Finally, the moment you’ve been waiting for! Lay out a pita bread, and pile on your juicy grilled chicken, fresh tomatoes, crunchy lettuce, and onions.

Crown it with a spoonful of your homemade tzatziki sauce. There you have it, and your Greek feast is ready to be savored! Enjoy!

Chicken Souvlaki Step 7 the Grand Asembly

Tricks to Make Chicken Souvlaki Even More Delicious

Chicken Souvlaki3

Here are some extra tips to make chicken souvlaki more tasty:

  • Mastering the Marinade: I’ve found that letting the chicken marinate overnight truly enhances the flavors. The longer it sits, the more delicious it becomes.
  • Spicing It Up: Love a kick to your dishes? Add a bit of sriracha or a pinch of chili flakes to your marinade.
  • Veganizing Souvlaki: For those following a vegan lifestyle, you need not miss out on this dish. Swap the chicken for tofu – it soaks up the marinade beautifully. And instead of Greek yogurt, opt for a plant-based variant.
  • Gluten-Free Alternatives: Opting for a gluten-free or healthier version? Use gluten-free flour, or simply swap the bread for a big lettuce leaf.
  • Choosing Skewers: Bamboo or wooden skewers work just fine, but if you have the opportunity, go for metal skewers. These are a superior choice for a few reasons: no pre-soaking is needed, and they distribute heat evenly, promoting perfect cooking.
  • Skewer Smarts: Leaving a bit of space towards the handle of the skewers is key for easy handling on the grill. And if you’re using wooden skewers, remember to pre-soak them in water to prevent burning. Cover the tips of the skewers with aluminum foil for extra protection while grilling.
  • Oven Magic: No grill? No worries. Preheat your oven, line a sheet with foil or parchment, place the skewers on it, and broil. About 5-7 minutes each side should do it, but always make sure your kabobs are fully cooked through.
  • Cooking Safety: Never repurpose marinades that have been used with raw meat or poultry. If you wish to use some of your marinades as a dressing or sauce, set a portion aside before it touches the raw ingredients.

What Complements Chicken Souvlaki Well?

Chicken Souvlaki4
  • Salads: To keep with the Greek theme, a classic Greek salad with its crunchy veggies and tangy feta cheese is a brilliant companion. But don’t forget, alternatives like Balela, Fattoush, or a Grilled Zucchini Salad can bring their own unique flavors to the table.
  • Dip Companion: You’ll want something creamy and garlicky to compliment your juicy souvlaki skewers. What better than homemade Roasted Garlic Hummus? Its savory depth is the perfect counterbalance to the tangy, smoky chicken. Trust me, it’s a game-changer.
  • Potatoes: You can never go wrong with potatoes, especially with Greek cuisine. I usually opt for roasted or fried versions. They’re the perfect vehicle for soaking up those extra flavors and adding a satisfying heartiness to the meal.
  • Sweet Finish: My favorite is Baklava. Those layers of filo pastry, sweetened with honey and sprinkled with chopped nuts – it’s the best way to round off your Greek culinary journey.
  • Drink Pairing: Chicken souvlaki pairs excellently with light to medium-bodied red wines that have a hint of spice, making Grenache and Grenache Shiraz Mourvèdre (GSM) perfect choices. Other alternatives could include Pinot Noir, Nero d’Avola, or Merlot.

How to Store Chicken Souvlaki?

Although it will be very hard to leave these chicken souvlaki for later, you can. Just cover, separately, the bread and the chicken in aluminum foil, and reheat later in the oven. Then, when serving, add the fresh vegetables and the tzatziki sauce.

  • In the fridge: You can store the Chicken Souvlaki for about 3 days in the fridge.
  • In the freezer: You can freeze the pita bread for about 3 months, but remember, the longer you keep it, the drier it will get.


Absolutely! You can marinate the chicken for up to a full day in the refrigerator. Moreover, you could fully cook it ahead of time and simply reheat it for convenient meals later. I’d suggest reheating it on a stovetop pan, though microwaving is an option too. While fresh-off-the-grill souvlaki is optimum, the reheated version is equally tasty.

Indeed, grilling is one of the healthier cooking methods as it doesn’t involve the high-fat content of frying or sautéing. Chicken, being a lean protein, is beneficial for health too.

Plus, this dish includes nutrient-rich ingredients like onions, tomatoes, olive oil, and lemon. However, remember that a healthy diet is about balance, and overconsumption of olive oil or meat can have negative effects.

Though fresh herbs are my preference, dried ones can certainly be used when fresh ones aren’t available. Since dried herbs are more concentrated in flavor, use them sparingly – about half of what the recipe suggests for fresh herbs. Feel free to adjust the quantity, perhaps starting with a third.

The trick lies in marinating the meat in a concoction of olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, oregano, and a variety of herbs and spices. This process infuses the meat with an irresistible flavor and ensures it’s delightfully tender.

Souvlaki, which consists of grilled meat served with vegetables, fried potatoes, tzatziki, and pita bread, is analogous to American fast food like burgers. It’s widely recognized as a staple fast food in Greece.

Chicken souvlaki and chicken gyro differ in preparation and presentation. Souvlaki involves marinated chicken grilled on skewers, while Gyro features chicken cooked on a vertical rotisserie and sliced thin.

Both are served with pita, vegetables, and tzatziki sauce, but Ssouvlaki is directly grilled for a smoky flavor, whereas gyro is slow-cooked for tenderness

Souvlaki and kebab are both grilled meat dishes but differ in their origins and preparation. Souvlaki, a Greek dish, consists of marinated meat like pork or chicken grilled on skewers and served with pita, tzatziki, and Greek salad.

Kebab, from the Middle East, includes various meats like lamb or beef, either minced or whole, marinated with spices such as cumin and coriander, and served with rice, flatbreads, and yogurt-based sauces.

A Closing Ode To Chicken Souvlaki

Chicken souvlaki would present not only a feast for their eyes and a delight to their taste buds but also an utterly delicious and nutritionally balanced dish, replete with protein, healthy fats, carbohydrates, and fresh vegetables.

I encourage you to share this recipe and leave your thoughts in the comments section. It’s my pleasure to have crafted this dish, and I’m eager to hear how you enjoy the taste of Greece right at your table. Enjoy!

Chicken Souvlaki

Greek Chicken Souvlaki Recipe

Chicken souvlaki is a quintessential Greek delight, loved for its tangy, succulent flavors. Discover the secrets to creating this mouth-watering dish at home, including the art of marinating and grilling.
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Course: Main Course
Cuisine: Greek
Keyword: Chicken Souvlaki, Σουβλάκι
Level of Difficulty: Medium
Dietary Preference: None
Prep Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 2 hours
Servings: 4 servings
Calories: 471kcal


  • Skewer
  • Knife
  • Cutting Board
  • Pan
  • Mixing Bowl
  • Spatula
  • Basting Brush
  • Kitchen Towel


For Marinating The Chicken:

  • 1 pound chicken breast in cubes
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon oregano
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 teaspoon cumin powder
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon Greek yogurt

For The Pita Bread Dough:

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 0.25- ounce active dry yeast
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • A cup of warm water

For The Sauce:

  • 7 ounces Greek yogurt
  • 0.5 cucumber minced
  • 0.5 cup spring onions
  • 1 garlic clove minced

For Serving:

  • 1 cup lettuce
  • 2 tomatoes sliced
  • 1 red onion sliced


  • Blend 1 tbsp of olive oil, 1 tsp of paprika, 1 tsp of salt, 1 tsp of cumin powder, 1 tsp of oregano, and 1 tbsp of Greek yogurt in a large bowl. Add cubed chicken, mix, and refrigerate for an hour.
    Chicken Souvlaki Step 1 Marinate the Chicken
  • Dissolve yeast in a cup of warm water in a small bowl and let sit for 5 minutes.
    In another bowl, combine 2 cups of all-purpose flour, 1 tsp sugar, and 1 tsp salt. Then gently add the yeast to the flour and mix.
    Mix until the dough isn't sticky. Form into a ball, coat with olive oil, cover, and let rise for an hour.
    Chicken Souvlaki Step 2 Prepare the Pita Bread Dough
  • Once the dough has doubled, divide into 4 equal parts on a floured surface. Let rest for 5 minutes, then shape into pitas and lightly brush with an olive oil, garlic, and oregano mixture.
    Chicken Souvlaki Step 3 Make the Pita Bread
  • For the chicken, skewer 6 pieces each and grill for 4-5 minutes per side.
    Chicken Souvlaki Step 4 Grill the Chicken
  • Simultaneously, pan-fry the pita bread in olive oil for 1 minute per side.
    Chicken Souvlaki Step 5 Fry the Pita Bread
  • In a small bowl, combine 7 ounces of Greek yogurt, minced cucumber, spring onions, minced garlic, and a dash of salt.
    Chicken Souvlaki Step 6 Whip Up the Tzatziki Sauce
  • To assemble, place a pita on a plate and top it with chicken, tomatoes, lettuce, onions, and a spoonful of tzatziki sauce. Enjoy!
    Chicken Souvlaki Step 7 the Grand Asembly



  • The total time and the ingredient quantities are based on 4 servings of chicken souvlaki.
  • You can reduce the preparation time to 30 minutes if you use store-bought pita bread.
  • If you would like to make a Vegan souvlaki, substitute the chicken with tofu (use the same marinade) and the Greek yogurt with a plant-based yogurt.
  • Once finished, you can cover the souvlaki with aluminum foil and reheat it later in the oven.
  • Feel free to add other ingredients to your souvlaki: cheese, grilled vegetables, fresh herbs, a spicy sauce, etc.


Calories: 471kcal | Carbohydrates: 60g | Protein: 39g | Fat: 8g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 4g | Trans Fat: 0.02g | Cholesterol: 75mg | Sodium: 1326mg | Potassium: 914mg | Fiber: 5g | Sugar: 7g | Vitamin A: 1052IU | Vitamin C: 16mg | Calcium: 121mg | Iron: 5mg
Liliya Balinska

Liliya Balinska

Content Writer


Content Writer, Home Cooking, Meal Planning, Recipe Development, Food Editor, Cooking-video Maker, Translator & Proofreader


Universidade do Minho, Portugual

  • Program: Bachelor’s degree in Oriental Languages and Cultures
  • Focus: The languages, cultures, and societal aspects of Eastern countries.

Nankai University, China

  • Program: Exchange Program, Chinese Studies
  • Focus: Improving understanding of Chinese language, culture, history, and possibly other specific areas related to Chinese studies.

Universidade do Minho, Portugual

  • Program: Master’s degree, Intercultural Studies Portuguese/Chinese
  • Focus: Preparing students for markets involving Chinese and Portuguese cultures, focusing on linguistic skills, communication, and cultural sensitivity

Escolas do Turismo de Portugal

  • Program: Culinary Arts
  • Focus: preparing students for technical and managerial roles in food service and restaurant business. It emphasizes solid technical training, creativity, and ethical awareness, with the goal of promoting sustainable development in the tourism and hospitality sectors​.

Liliya Balinska, based in Lisbon, is a culinary content writer with an impressive educational background in Oriental and Intercultural Studies, complemented by a specialization in Culinary Arts. Her broad expertise enables her to cover a wide array of cuisines, from European classics to global dishes, captivating food lovers worldwide with her deep cultural knowledge and captivating writing style.

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